Friday, February 9, 2007

Alydia's Testimony

Hello, my name Alydia and this is my salvation story.

I was born in a home where my parents struggled incredibly with their relationships with each other and with us their children.

By the age of 2 my two brothers and I were removed from my father's care because of an incident based on a lie. My brother Jeremiah hit his head on a coffee table and needed to get stitches. The story was that my dad kept pushing him back on the couch so he would lay down and take a nap. Jeremiah fell and hit his head, then ran to my mom with blood spilling down his face, just above his eye.

We were taking into protective custody and lived in a group home for quite some time. Thankfully I do not remember this part of the ordeal, but I wish I knew the truth of it to this day.

God protected me from so much fighting and arguing. I went to church on Sunday every Sunday, 3 times throughout the day and again on Wednesday nights. By the age of 8 I knew that Jesus wanted me to be part of His family. I was so burdened in my heart that I could only see my father 2 weekends out of a month. I knew that I could have a Heavenly Father at my side all of the time. He loved me so much, that he allowed men, sinful men to sacrifice his ONLY Son so I could be his daughter and part of the Bride(church) of Christ.

I switched schools, churches several times through my Junior High and Senior High years. I became very tired of it so I decided to see if I could move in my Father. I left my mother's protection for many reasons that I don't want to discuss. I hated my mother for a couple of years before I even wanted to talk to her. She wasn't truly saved when my younger brother and I had left her care, but through that experience she truly found God and is now living for him whole heartedly...

I rededicated my life to the Lord when I met my unsaved fiance almost 2 years ago. While living with my dad I hated going to church. I continued going to a Christian school, because I knew people there already and I felt safe there. I went back to church, then off to Bible College where I am finishing my Degree in Early Childhood.

I don't know what the future holds..but I know that God truly loves me and that I was a sinner and still am one, but God doesn't see me that way. He sees me as his daughter and his Son's blood has washed my soul clean. I am looking forward to the day that I can be with him in Eternity.

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